Trailor Farms

Home of Miami Bamboo

Black Bamboo 15G

Black Bamboo 15G – CALL FOR PRICE

Bamboo is a staple plant in Asian garden themes. It’s grown as an ornamental plant and used to add structural design in the form of screens, trellises, and fences, which are made from the canes. If you grow Black Bamboo, you can harvest some of the canes to make these simple structures for your own Asian garden. Or you can simply grow a stand of Black Bamboo as a backdrop for your garden, forming a garden wall that features smaller plants or structures in front of it.

The color intensifies the drama — black stems with green leaves! You’ll also see green stems on Black Bamboo, because the new growth emerges green and turns black in the second year. This interplay of green and black offers a beautiful contrast of height and color.



Black Bamboo 15G – CALL FOR PRICE

An Evergreen Privacy Fence

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a plant with faster growth than Black Bamboo. This plant’s robust nature gives it the ability to reach a height of up to 10 feet each year. As it grows, Black Bamboo forms a natural privacy fence — almost as fast as you can construct a wooden privacy fence in your yard! And even if your HOA by-laws place a restriction on the height of constructed fences, you’ll be able to bypass this restriction and have a taller-than-allowed green fence by planting Black Bamboo. As an evergreen plant, which retains its leaves year-round, Black Bamboo continues to breathe life into stark winter landscapes even after deciduous plants drop their leaves. You’ll notice Black Bamboo will shed some of its foliage, particularly in springtime, but this is a natural part of the growing process as new leaves develop to replace the older ones. You can rake and remove the dropped foliage or leave it on the ground around your Black Bamboo plants as mulch.

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